Contemporary Materials 2025 - Savremeni Materijali -

Contemporary Materials 2025 - Savremeni Materijali

September 11 - 12, 2025.

Paper application for conference

Faculty of Technology Banja Luka

Vojvode Stepe Stepanovića 73
78000 Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Phone: 00 387 51 434 357
Fax: 00 387 51 434 351

The Faculty of Technology’s first full year of operation was 1963-64 as a department of the Faculty of Engineering in Banja Luka which comprised then of two basic departments: Department of Chemical Engineering and Department of Electrical Engineering. As a result of subsequent changes in the structure of the Faculty, the Division of Chemical Wood Processing was transformed into the Department of Chemical Engineering and Technology.

Requirements placed on the education of highly-skilled personnel in industries led to the establishment of three more departments: Biotechnology and Food Processing Department, Textile Engineering Department, and Mining Engineering Department.  

In the past 45 years, the Faculty has been committed to providing the best range of higher education available and, as a result of numerous activities in that field, more advanced and rationalised programmes of study have been launched in order to help students to complete their job-oriented education as well as to respond to the needs of the higher education community, as set out in the Bologna Declaration, i.e., in line with a set of specified objectives based on the ECTS-compatible credit systems.

The current study programmes provide student transfer among the kindred universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina and even among the universities of European Union through the International Student Exchange Programmes. To date, 1232 students have graduated from the Faculty of Technology, while 62 Master’s theses and 29 Doctoral dissertations have been successfully defended since 1963.

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